Thursday, January 7, 2021



So I cheaped out this week. Very unlike me btw, but the draw was just too strong this time. And you know what? I totally think it’s going to work out perfectly fine!

Everything started with my sister in law who was telling me that she recently went to Sam’s Club… a Costco type place, here…  and that she decided to try the optical department there for her new glasses. And as it happened, she was tickled pink because when she walked in, lo and behold who should the optician turn out to be?? CARMEN. The exact same Carmen who used to work in South Florida at the very pricey optical office, where she used get her glasses made years ago! For big bucks, too.

It was like a homecoming that thrilled my sister in law to no end. Turns out Carmen told her that buying glasses and lenses at Sam’s Club was totally excellent, they used top of the line best labs and lens cutters that she’d find anywhere and was WAY CHEAPER than any place she could go. So BINGO. She decided it was worth giving Sam’s a try! And she did. And Carmen was right. Her glasses were fantastic for WAY less money! 

Ok. So given I had a new prescription for my glasses that I had had made just about 9 months ago, I decided I would cheap out and head over to Sam’s for MY new lenses. Boom. I made an appointment with Carmen, who as it turns out, has more happy energy than any 12 people I know put together. Right off the bat, she said to me that I’ve obviously got a Manhattan vibe given I was dressed in all black, wearing my red frames and statement jewelry and supposedly had an exceptional personality. Wow. Talk about an astute saleswoman, alright. She even made me twirl all around for Karen, the other optician who I guess was to supposed to soak me all in. Man. It was like Carmen was thrilled to FINALLY see someone who came from a big city as opposed to the mountain folk whom we normally see all the time around here. But in any case… 

Carmen was patient, professional and reassuring that indeed she can have my lenses made so I could then see everything in the world perfectly fine. Lenses for all 4 pairs of glasses, I might add. 2 pairs for everyday wear, 1 for sunglasses and 1 pair for my computer glasses. All of which would normally come to a couple thousand of dollars anywhere else. Carmen’s price however? $700 for the entire kit and caboodle! Wow. I was pretty damn psyched about all this, I do have to say. YAY CARMEN. She obviously knows her business like no tomorrow. 

Or... maybe she merely spotted a sucker for it all the moment I walked in. Which of course is the first lesson in being a great retailer. For believe you me... I fit that description to a T. And to prove it, I wound up falling for the brand new Kate Spade frames that I'll now use for my computer glasses. I tried them on and bingo. Carmen, Karen and I were totally elated. In the meantime…

Other than meeting Carmen and getting her professional help at a great cost, I must admit that my FAVorite part of this whole experience was actually a much better one. My hot dog! For I would NEVER go to Sam’s Club… to which I hadn’t been in almost a year… and not go up to their “café” of sorts to order a hot dog. They have THE best tasting ones I’ve ever had. And I’m kind of a pro at this, if you must know. I don’t know who makes it (I almost want to say Nathan’s) but man, is it ever delicious. Actually, critics say Costo’s hotdog is much better but in my town, I have only one choice of a big box store so I happily roll with the punches.

Anyway… I hadn’t eaten all day long thus I was starved! So while Carmen was busy for about 20 minutes getting my prescriptions all written up for the four glasses, I moseyed on over to Sam’s Cafe, got in line, and placed my order. My problem however was: should I stick to the ever popular hot dog OR… do I want to step out of the box for once and maybe get a slice of pizza instead? Hmmm. It was a major dilemma, let me tell you. What the heck should I order? Because I just have to say… there were loads of people who had apparently pre-ordered a whole pizza and man! Did it ever smell delicious! Talk about Pavlov’s dog at his best.

Ok. So by the time it was my turn… I walked up to the counter and said to the lady UH… YOU KNOW WHAT? I'D LIKE A HOT DOG PLEASE AND NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT, I’LL EVEN TAKE A SLICE OF PEPPERONI PIZZA TOO, WITH A SMALL DIET COKE! THANKS! Wow. Talk about solving a problem with no second thoughts whatsoever. When in doubt… order it all! And boy am I glad I did! For while I downed the hot dog in sheer delight while waiting for Carmen to finish… later, when I got home and took a bite of the pizza, I was in heaven! Was it the BEST dough I ever tasted? Uh, no. But… was it absolutely, unexpectedly, perfectly and deliciously acceptable? DAMN RIGHT IT WAS. And once it was in my tummy… my insides knew no difference whatsoever. I love when I made the right decision! Oh yeah… get this...

The total cost for me was $3.79! Which btw, was less than the sign said it would be, but I think maybe it was because I didn't get the pizza combo. Of course, were it $13.79, I wouldn’t have given a damn. I STILL would have happily paid for it. And… the slice of pizza could easily have been cut in 4ths. IT WAS HUGE. Exactly the way I like my... uh… portions. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Portions.

In the meantime… I am so counting down the days until my glasses are ready. They are going to be fantastic and I am going to be glowing. That’s IF the prescription is correct to begin with. It usually takes me two times to have my eyes tested, just to be sure they test equally on both days, but I’m going out on a limb this time and I am assuming the doctor and I got it right the first time around. Boy. What an optimist I am.

I am also going to try to hit Sam’s Club way more often from here on in. I forgot about all the kinds of foods they carry that I love. Case in point: Chicken Cordon Bleu and Shrimp Scampi! Which I WOULD have gotten while I was there for my visit with Carmen but I swear… there is NOT ONE INCH of space in my freezer to fit one more bit of food whatsoever. Seriously. It’s so damn embarrassing, it's ridiculous. Thus… I had better eat up a boat load of entrées from my freezer in the next 8 days and FAST.

For in 8 days I am hoping to have the best damn eyeglass lenses one could ever want. YAY EYESIGHT. YAY CHEAPO GLASSES. YAY CARMEN. Most importantly... YAY ME.

1 comment:

  1. What a find! A boutique optician and a Michelin 3 star restaurant all in one! Just think. At your next dinner party, not only can you see your guests better, but you can cater it and supply toilet paper all from the same place! That would even make some of the “mountain folk” happy. Bon a petit!


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