OMG. After about 25 years of wearing round glass frames I
finally took the plunge. I decided to go with a totally different look as you
can see in this picture here. EEEKS. I know... I hardly know what to think,
As it happens, this picture was taken as I was trying on the sample pair for the first time in the optometrist's office, so it's
kind of a crapola shot. But you know what? I so think these frames are actually going to
I truly think I'm going to like wearing them a whole bunch, especially since they
look WAY better in person than in this picture. Granted... they remind me of my Dad's glasses from the late 70s, but whose counting. And yes, everyone else will probably hate them but I totally don't care since I
really do think these will turn out to be major great. Uh... I hope, anyway. Besides, this look is apparently right on trend at the moment ... shiny black, sleek and naturally, bold... so it can't be all bad. If
nothing else... I'm pretty sure they will grow on folks, thus in the end, I'm counting on being
able to make these frames work like a charm.
It'll take about two weeks to get them back and I can only pray
the prescription will be correct given I am dying to begin wearing them like...
uh yesterday. Trust me... these next 2 weeks will have me on pins and needles
alright. Turns out btw, the office was having a trunk show of new frames and the
rule was: you buy a frame and bingo. You get half off the cost of your lenses
which btw, brought my bill to the least amount I've spent on eyewear in YEARS..
That alone would have been enough of a treat but get this. In celebration of
this trunk show, the doctor's office also served up the most excellent lunch
menu you can even imagine! Talk about a red letter day.
So I walked into the office and signed in. Plenty of people were
there yet it took me no time at all to spot the luncheon goodies all along the side wall. Naturally, all
the other people there either ate nothing at all or merely nibbled on a piece or
two of the treats. Me? I totally downed the little BBQed and/or fried
chicken nuggets up the kazoo, along with the carrots and spinach dip, delicious
limeade punch made with lime sherbet and then finally I topped it all off with
an outstanding cupcake. COMPLETELY DELICIOUS. So delicious in fact, I had to go
back for seconds of the chicken and carrots. I swear... I was so starved when I
entered the place but by the time I left, man. I was filled to the gills.
Talk about a great way to shop for a pair of glasses, right?
In fact, I told the doctor I expect nothing less everytime I
come in ever again! I mean it. Want to ensure a patient returns time and time
again?? Boom. SERVE LUNCH. I swear... I'd totally come in monthly! In the
It is so time that I kissed the round glass frames goodbye. For
a few short years I did break the cycle by wearing the rimless frames that were
all the rage a little while back. But that too, grew old although I will say
alot of friends tell me even today, they love me best donning those. Shows what
they know, if you ask me. Regardless... I never fell for the skinny little
rectangular frames so many people have been sporting in recent years and until
these new black guys began showing up lately, I was so sticking to my round ones.
No wonder. I've always loved them. But to tell you the truth... I am pretty sure
I'm going to love these just as much!
I've been wearing glasses since I was about 28 years old. In
those days I wore Christian Dior oversized blue square-ish frames which
I totally loved, too. If I could ever find them again, trust me... I'd buy them
in a heartbeat. Exactly when I moved on in to round frames, I really can't
remember but for sure it was in my early 40s. In fact, I was going through some
of my pictures from way back when, to see if I could find some spectacle history
so to speak, but alas I only found the round ones.
I also found about 150 picts of myself that I have GOT to remove from my hard drive immediately given I wanted to
totally puke at how disGUSTing I've looked over the years. How on earth I could
have ever had friends I'll NEVER know. I mean it. I am shocked people found me
friend worthy let alone men found me love worthy. For I am so telling you...
it turns out... I am way more decent looking at 68 than I ever was at 38, 48, or even 58! Seriously. I hang my head in sheer shame. In the meantime...
Decent or not.... this is what I look like
today. Oops. I mean what I'll look like in two weeks. It may not be anything
to write home about but I'm still plenty thrilled to move on to
new eyewear. Only took what? About 25 years? Eeks. And oh yeah... in case you completely hate me in my new eyeglasses, then I have only two words: you suck. Not in everything, mind you, but totally in eyeglass choices.
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