Thursday, October 19, 2017


Oh man. I’m such a sucker for events like this and I was totally into all of it. Naturally… I’m speaking about viewing the recent eclipse.

Granted... I am writing about this a few months later but whatever. I just have had one of the busiest few months this past summer thus finding time to write was a major challenge. Which makes it a good thing that I'm not being paid by some boss for my output, for I would have been fired years ago, believe me. In any case...

As luck would have it… I live in a city that was able to see the eclipse at 99.79% totality and okay, it didn’t get comPLETEly pitch black, but whoa, the sky did get reallllly kinda eerie looking. Kinda like a hurricane was going to make landfall right smack on top of me within mere minutes. It was pretty mind blowing and had I seen this in my 20s or 30s, when I was hard core stoned, whoa. It would have been all out freaky! I had several friends btw, who traveled a couple of hours away to see 100% totality and frankly, they sort of wasted their time if you ask me. Plus… they had to leave really early and the traffic coming home was often a jam packed problem. Regardless….

I stayed here in my beloved city and decided I had a great bird’s eye view of everything. At 1 o’clock 3 of went to the country club for lunch where the huge windows look down upon the golf course. At about 2 o’clock the wait staff pretty much began getting excited because they’d run out every few minutes to see what was doing up in the sky and would come back in totally psyched. Which of course was our cue to get up and go check it out for ourselves.


It was amazing to say the least! What shocked me even more was the fact the moon was so black and the sun was so ORANGE. I will never forget my first glimpse of it, is all I can say. It gave me a huge sense of sheer awe.

After the initial sighting we came back in to finish more of lunch and then we’d hop back up every few minutes. Finally…. at about 2:20 we went outside for good, given the totality of the eclipse was but minutes away. Several more people began congregating together and all of us were in the same state of amazement. I even shared my sun blocking glasses with a couple of dweebs who never bought any to begin with. I mean seriously... 

Who lives in a city where 99% of the sun was going to be covered at 2:40 in the afternoon and doesn’t even buy eclipse glasses? Losers, that's who. Jeez. In fact, up above you can see the exact glasses I wore, which for now seems to have worked pretty well given a.) so far, I'm not blind and b.) I got from mine optometrist, in the first place. Anyway…

It was totally one of the most exciting days of my life, no pun intended. Man… Mother Nature is a miracle, indeed. For those of you who missed this event btw, I feel badly for you which means you have to now wait until 2024 for the next eclipse to come across the U.S. And then, you'll have to plant yourself somewhere between Maine and Texas. But trust me... it will oh so worth it! 

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